Information for Authors of Papers

Camera-Ready Versions

All authors have now been notified whether their paper has been accepted. Congratulations to authors of accepted papers. Camera-ready versions are due by the 8th of November, and should be re-submitted via EasyChair. To accomodate suggestions from reviewers, up to one extra page can be added to the main content of the paper, so short papers may be up to 5 pages and long papers may be up to 9 (excluding references). Apart from addressing reviewer comments, please remember to add author names back in.


If your acceptance notification says that you have a presentation, you will be given a presentation slot. Exact timings will be announced, but provisional timeslots are around 12 minutes for short papers and 20 minutes for long papers. Presenters can use their own laptops or the provided machine in the conference venue.


If you have been notified that your paper has been accepted as a poster, you are required to print and bring your own poster with you, and to be available during the poster session (likely to be on the morning of Friday 6th of December). Posters should be no wider than 91 cm and no higher than 122 cm, in vertical/portrait orientation. A0 paper (in vertical/portrait orientation) meets these requirements.